Click here for Sample Preservation and Holding Times

Sampling Instructions

Sampling instructions for specific analyses are listed at the bottom of this page.   Click these links for video instructions on sampling or shipping samples.
  1. Clearly label each sample container. 
    Use a permanent marker to indicate the sampling location and the date and time collected.

  2. Use the proper container to collect your sample. 
    Specific sample containers are required for most analyses.  Samples may be rejected if collected in improper containers.  If you are unsure which sample container is required for your project, please contact our lab before sampling.

  3. Do not rinse sample containers. 
    Preservatives necessary to maintain sample integrity may be present.

  4. Refrigerate samples until they reach the lab. 
    Most methods require that samples be held at less than 6°C from collection until analysis.

  5. Submit the sample to the lab within the holding time required for the requested type of analysis.
    Samples may be rejected if not received within the holding time.  Holding times may vary depending on which type of analysis is being requested. Please submit your sample as soon as possible after collection.  Please contact us if you have any questions about the holding time of your sample.

  6. Before submitting your sample to the lab, complete the chain of custody provided. Indicate which analyses are to be performed for each sample.

  7. Call ahead if you need rush processing. Rush fees may apply.  Standard turnaround time for most samples is 10 business days.

  8. Contact us with any questions before sampling. Samples may be rejected if improperly collected or not submitted within the holding time.

Sample Acceptance 

Our office accepts most samples Monday through Friday from 8 am – 5 pm.  Please call ahead for bacteriological and wastewater sample acceptance schedules.

Rush Samples
Please call Moscow: (208) 883-2839 or Spokane: (509) 838-3999 for details and pricing before shipping rush samples.

Scheduled Holiday Closures

Anatek Labs will be closed for the following holidays in 2023:

  • May 29 (Memorial Day)
  • July 4 (Independence Day)
  • September 4 (Labor Day)
  • November 23 & 24 (Thanksgiving)
  • December 25 (Christmas)
  • January 1, 2024

If you are submitting samples during a week with a lab closure, please call ahead to assure sample acceptance.

In addition, microbiology samples are generally not accepted on Fridays, because the test must be read on the weekend. If you must submit a microbiology sample on Friday, please contact us in advance to make arrangements.

Specific sampling instructions are provided below:

Some sample bottles contain chemical preservatives. These substances may cause injury if spilled in the eyes or on the skin or ingested. In case of a spill, rinse the affected area with large amounts of water and see a doctor immediately. Use of gloves is strongly recommended.

Volatile Organic Chemicals (VOC) in Water

Fill the bottle so that the water ‘domes’ over the opening
Properly filled vials will NOT have an air bubble
  • Vials: 40 mL amber glass VOA
  • Fill the vial under a slow stream of water until it overflows.  The water should be domed at the top.  
  • Gently replace the cap and tighten securely.
    There must be no air bubbles in the vial.  
  • Samples may be rejected if air bubbles are entrapped in the vial.
  • Return the sealed Trip Blank vial with your samples.  Do NOT open it.

Synthetic Organic Chemicals (SOC) in Water

  • Vials: 40 mL clear or amber glass
  • Fill the vial under a slow stream of water until it overflows.  The water should be domed at the top.  
  • Gently replace the cap and tighten securely.
    There must be no air bubbles in the vial.  
  • Samples may be rejected if air bubbles are entrapped in the vial.
  • Bottles: 250 mL, 500 mL, or 1L amber glass
  • Fill the bottle to the neck.  Cap tightly.

Inorganic Chemicals (IOC) in Water (including Lead / Copper and Nitrate)

  • Bottles: 125 mL, 250 mL, 500 mL or 1L HDPE plastic
  • Collect the sample from a kitchen or bathroom cold water faucet.  Remove all screens, strainers or aerators before taking the sample.  Using the cold water tap only, fill the sample bottle completely to the neck.  Cap tightly.
  • Lead/Copper:  Allow the water to stand undisturbed in the pipes for at least 6 hours before collecting the sample.  Click here for more guidance on lead/copper sampling. You will also need to fill out a Chain of Custody to accompany your samples. Select the correct Lead/Copper (Pb/Cu) form for your state on our Chains of Custody page.
  • Nitrate:  Samples must be submitted to the lab within 36 hours of collection.
  • Low Level Mercury:  Requires specific sampling procedures.  See the links on the right side of the Low Level Mercury page

Microbiology / Coliform Bacteria

Do not wash out the white preservative powder
Fill bottle between the 100 and 120 mL lines

A specially preserved 125 mL sterilized plastic sample bottle is required for this test. Use only a bottle provided by Anatek Labs, Inc. or a health department.

Click here to view video sampling instructions

Read the sampling instructions below before beginning to collect samples.

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with hot, soapy water before opening the bottle.
  2. Select a clean faucet. Avoid collecting from a swivel or hinged faucet, since bacteria regrowth can occur in the cracks.
  3. Remove all screens, strainers or aerators, and allow the water to run for 5 minutes before taking the sample.
  4. Do NOT rinse the bottle! It contains a preservative that may look like a powder or pellet.
  5. Remove and discard the plastic seal from the cap (do NOT leave the seal on the cap). Do not remove the cap from the bottle until just before taking the sample. Do not let the inside surface of the cap or the lip of the bottle touch anything, especially your fingers.
  6. Fill the bottle between the 100mL and the 120mL lines.  Be sure to leave some headspace between the water level and the cap.
  7. Use a permanent marker to clearly label the bottle with the collection date, time and location.
  8. Coliform samples must reach the lab within 30 hours of collection. Samples older than 30 hours cannot be tested.
  9. Keep samples refrigerated or cold (if possible) until you submit them to the lab. Do not let samples freeze.

Soil, Sludge and High-Level Wastes

  • Containers:  Soil and sludge samples are typically collected in 4-oz. glass jars with Teflon-lined caps.  
    Some solid samples may require specialized containers.
  • Fill the jars completely to eliminate head space.  Cap tightly.  
  • Immediately place sample containers in a refrigerator or cooler with ice until delivered to the lab.

PFAS/PFCs - EPA 533 & 537

 (Click here to view these instructions as a PDF)

View a PFAS sampling video

  • Clearly label each sample container. Use a pen to indicate the sampling location and the date and time collected.
  • Use the proper container to collect your sample and do not rinse out any preservatives present. Specific sample containers are required for all EPA 533 & 537 analyses. Samples will be rejected if collected in the incorrect container and will require re-sampling. If you have any questions, please contact us before sampling (208-883-2839 [Moscow] or 509-838-3999 [Spokane]).
  • Refrigerate samples or place samples on ice immediately after sampling prior to shipping to lab. Samples must be submitted to the lab as soon as possible, preferably within 48 hours of sampling.  EPA 533 & 537 protocols have strict preservation and temperature requirements thus samples must arrive at the laboratory cold (<10oC) and in the correct containers or samples will be rejected.
  • Before submitting your samples to the lab, complete a chain of custody form for each entry point (EP).
  • Contact us with any questions before sampling.  Samples will be rejected if improperly submitted.

EPA 533 & 537 require field reagent blanks to be prepared while collecting samples at each sampling site.

EPA 533 & 537:  Perfluorinated Alkyl Acids in Drinking Water 

  • Bottles: 250 mL polypropylene plastic (two bottles for each entry point)
  • Fill the bottle under a slow stream of water until the bottle is filled up to the neck. Gently replace the cap, tighten securely, and invert the sample a few times to dissolve the preservative.
  • Field Reagent Blanks (required for each entry point):
  • You will have one sealed 250 mL plastic bottle that contains preserved, reagent water (labeled Field Blank A) and one plastic bottle that is empty (labeled Field Blank B).  At the sampling site, open the bottle containing reagent water and pour it into the empty bottle, replace the cap securely and ship it with the samples.

Methamphetamine Wipe Samples

  • These are general sampling instructions - state requirements may differ.  Specific state regulations may require specific wipes, methanol, glass sampling containers, etc.
  • Clearly label each sample container. Use a permanent marker (Sharpie or similar) to indicate the sampling location and the date and time collected.
  • Wear gloves when collecting samples. Wearing gloves will help prevent any contamination during sampling, and is safer for the sampler.
  • Wipe samples should be collected using wipes moistened with solvent. 
    • 2" x 2" gauze pads are readily available at any drug store.  Whatman 40 filter paper may also be used.  
    • Wipes can be wetted with deionized water, isopropyl alcohol, or methanol.
  • Be aware of your regulatory requirements for wipe area, and record the area on the Chain of Custody.  Most states require samples to be 100 cm2 (10 cm x 10 cm, approximately 4" x 4").
  • Best practice for collecting wipe samples:
    • Fold the filter paper in quarters
    • Using firm pressure, horizontally wipe the surface in an overlapping 'Z' pattern.
    • Open the wipe, fold the sampled surface in, and expose a clean quarter.
    • Using firm pressure, vertically wipe the surface area in an overlapping 'N' pattern.
    • Fold the second sampled quarter in.
    • Insert the folded filter paper into the sampling container and secure the lid
    • Fill out the Chain of Custody, including date and time.
  • Samples should be placed into clean glass containers, centrifuge tubes, or zip-lock bags.  Check your state regulations for required procedures.
  • After collection, samples should be placed on ice and/or refrigerated, and shipped on ice.  Make sure to enclose the completed Chain of Custody with the samples.


(Click here to view these instructions as a PDF) (Click here to see video sampling instructions)

Contact us with any questions before sampling.  Samples will be rejected if improperly submitted.

  • Clearly label each sample container. Use a pen to indicate the sampling location and the date and time collected.
  • Use the proper container to collect your sample and do not rinse out any preservatives present. Specific sample containers are required for all UCMR5 analyses. Samples will be rejected if collected in the incorrect container and will require re-sampling. If you have any questions, please contact us before sampling (1-208-883-2839).
  • Refrigerate samples or place samples on ice immediately after sampling prior to shipping to lab. Samples must be submitted to the lab within 48 hours of sampling.  UCMR5 protocols have strict preservation and temperature requirements thus samples must arrive at the laboratory cold (<10oC) and in the correct containers or samples will be rejected.
  • Before submitting your samples to the lab, complete a chain of custody form for each entry point (EP).  The additional ‘two bottles per water system’ noted on some tests are collected to allow the laboratory to run matrix spike samples required by UCMR5.
  • Contact us with any questions before sampling.  Samples will be rejected if improperly submitted.


  • EPA 200.7 Lithium in Drinking Water

    Bottles:  250 mL HDPE plastic (one bottle for each Entry Point)
    Fill the bottle under a slow stream of water until the bottle is filled up to the neck.

  • EPA 533 & 537.1:  Perfluorinated Alkyl Acids in Drinking Water

    EPA 533 & 537.1 require field reagent blanks to be prepared while collecting samples at each sampling site.

    Bottles: 250 mL polypropylene plastic (two bottles for each entry point)

      • Fill the bottle under a slow stream of water until the bottle is filled up to the neck. Gently replace the cap, tighten securely, and invert the sample a few times to dissolve the preservative.

    Field Reagent Blanks (required for each entry point):

    • You will have one sealed 250 mL plastic bottle that contains preserved, reagent water (labeled Field Reagent Blank A) and one plastic bottle that is empty (labeled Field Reagent Blank B).  At the sampling site, open the bottle containing reagent water and pour it into the empty bottle, replace the cap securely and ship it with the samples.
Anatek Labs, Inc. - Moscow
1282 Alturas Drive
Moscow, ID 83843
Monday - Friday: 8AM - 5PM
Anatek Labs, Inc. - Spokane
504 E. Sprague Ave #D
Spokane, WA 99202
Monday - Friday: 8AM - 5PM
Anatek Labs, Inc. - Yakima
4802 Tieton Drive
Yakima, WA 98908
Monday - Friday: 8AM - 5PM
Anatek Labs, Inc. - Wenatchee
3019 GS Center Rd.
Wenatchee, WA 98801
Monday - Thursday: 8AM - 5PM
Friday - call for availability
